Saturday, December 31, 2011



   Happy new(early)years, My name is Miguel a junior in a public high school. I am a vegetarian and have been for over a year. I recently proposed to my schools principal, vice principal, and the lunch manager about having a vegetarian burger on the lunch menu, not only for me but for other vegetarians that attend school and also for kids and staff who choose to eat healthier. It has been a whole month since i have brought it to there attention but all they have gave me to eat... The first thing i was served was noodles in garlic sauce :) yum i know.. but since then i have been served either grilled cheese toast or cheese sandwiches, yeah not fun right :( 

    So what i am asking you to do, is to help me out on collecting signature for my online petition(link posted at the bottom). Right now i only have 29 signatures, it is good but not enough to change their minds. so please that is my main goal for the new year is to try to get a vegetarian meal in my lunch menu but i also want to try to get the people with higher power to realize that there are people out here in the U.S.A. that are vegetarian/vegan or just want to eat healthier. On my quest to get my word out there i also made a website using Google.(link posted at the bottom) dedicated to vegetarianism and my project.

    PLease be part of the change one person can only do so much and change a few peoples minds. Even if you are not a vegetarian or vegan, you dont even have to be a healthier eater, you just have to believe people like me should deserve a fair choice too :) SO FORWARD THIS, SPAM YOUR FRIENDS, TWEET, BLOG, FACEBOOK IT, GOOGLE+ IT, MYSPACE IT JUST HELP ME GET THE WORD OUT PLEASE :)  any questions feel free to email me at my google email address 

LINKS: -->

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Modern Day slavery/ Sex Trafficing

Sex Trafficking around the world!!!

Ok for whoever reads this blog, the things i right about are never this extreme or usually have to do with things in the states but after watching the movie "Taken" it inspired me to write this. hope it opens your eyes on how cruel the people in our world really are.

this topic has been brought up before in movies like Taken, Forgotten, Where there is no light. even old movies like A Zed & Two Noughts and Frontline

but you hear on TV about all these different things like prices of oil and all this bullshit (well not bullshit but still) but you never hear a lot about sex trade and human trade do you? so this is a wake up call that it is still happening it is not just in movies.

i know this wasnt that informational but hope you all like it. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day!!!

        Well as you know today is Earth Day.. so Happy Earth Day everyone and hope today you make sure to do something good for the earth as you should do everyday. well truthfully at first i didn't really know why we celebrate or acknoledge Earth Day because even on a good day like eart day people still are littering and polluting even more ba cemicals to the earth, yeah i know some poluttion they can help it because they need it to "live" but now a days i think a lot of major companies are over polluting. yeah there hasn't been really a lot of acid rain now but that does not mean we are not putting the chemicals in the air.

    First if you dont think earth as a whole is giving of a lot of pollution click on this link and watch an animation and then comment on this blog and tell me what you thought for you people who dont know what a carbon footprint is, it is The amount of carbon dioxide emitted due to the the consumption of fossil fuels by a particular person, group, etc. i think you really cant blame any certain person or company for messing up the earth, it is everyones responsibilty to take care of earth. 

there is a lot of different ways you can help the earth but the three easy steps to take are to reuse, reduce, recycle i am pretty sure everyone at one point in there life has heard or read those three words. so todays more than any day get out there and try to do at least one of those. and i hope you do and if you can take pictures of you doing them and send it to my email and if i get any in i will make a blog and post them for everyone can know you help the earth my email is i hope someone actually does this project :) well that is all . so i leave you with this video on the bottom of the blog hope you enjoy and have a great eart day


OK  i wasn't going to post anything up here for awhile but while looking at Matthew Lush's tumblr i watched this video and thought how changing the way you say something or try to express your thought makes a big difference. if you watch this video you will notice how just rewording the same ting will change someones world instantly. So after you watch this little movie, pass the link on it doesn't matter if it is my blog link, Matthew's link or the YouTube link but pass it on and show at least one more person this video and i think with everyones help and spread of this movie it will open peoples minds and hearts. well this is a short blog but it doesn't take that much words to inspire someone. thanks for the people who read this :)