Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Views on same sex marriage

It is 02-15-2012... the day after Valentines day :) did everyone have fun? get fat? ha I sure didn't. I passed out candy at school :) so since last time I posted my life seems better, yeah things have been happening.. like deaths in the family and all but we can't let everything bring us down forever, can we? I have recently added the "share this" gadget to this blog and to my other one dealing with what i think are important issues in the country. :) my hair is still growing for Locks of Love :) yay. I recently joined "Trevorspace". Trevorspace is for people of the LGBTQ community as well as for heterosexuals :) it is for people of ages, if not mistaken, 14-24. It is where different people can meet new people, make friends, maybe even find your special someone:) It is also like the "Trevor Project", it is used to prevent suicides. I think everyone should join "TrevorSpace" as well as"The Trevor Project".

I also recently found out that on May of this year the citizens of North Carolina will be voting of SAME SEX MARRIAGE, I do not believe there should be a barrier on marriage. I believe marriage is/should be considered a privilege for the US citizens because not everywhere in this world are people allowed to get married whenever they want. Think abuot it before reading on... Do you think it is a privilege? and if it is a privilege, as stated in the US Constitution Amendment 14 Section 1 states:

What that amendment says to me is anyone who is a citizen or has become a citizen of the USA has the right to marry who he/she chooses to without the state saying anything about it. I believe by the states making these laws on banning same-sex marriage is going against the US Constitution. If marriage is a privilege I believe all the states that have banned SAME SEX MARRIAGE, should have those same laws taken out of effect, because as I stated earlier the US Constitution clearly states that the states are not allowed to take away the privileges of a natural or naturalized citizen.