Friday, October 15, 2010

mainly for the people who make fun or bully a gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans person!!!


okay this might have a lot of cuss words in it so just be warned!!!!

okay first of all if anyone reading this gets bullied because your sexuality i feel sorry for you and my heart goes out to every single one of you all <3

okay this is for all the bullies first and for most anyone who bullies especially for the sexuality bullies you all are so fucking stupid in my opinion because none of you all that bully no what the hell the victims fucking have to go through just because you all want to be some assholes and bullies like seriously the people you all bully probably has to suffer a lot because eat home then y'all fucking have to be making fun of them or beating them because they are gay/lesbian/bisexual ok y'all ruin them mentally and physically because you might think the probably don't listen to what you have to say but they do and they remember every word and they hold it in until they just cant take it no more and end up committing suicide or try to commit suicide. so i know i cant stop all the bullies but i hope by people who care reading this can help spread the word and if you know a gay/les/bi/trans person that needs help please give them all you need because the bullies don't know what the fuck the are doing to these kids please reconsider what y'all are doing because i think you have heard this saying --> KARMA IS A BITCH<-- and just think of what y'all say or do to someone next time you want to bully someone especially for who they are i don't think you would like it if people came up to you and started making fun of you just because you are different from them ok no one is the same but everyone is human remember that... here is one of the videos that inspired me to write this


okay and this is another one that inspired me and once again to all the gay/bi/les/trans   IT WILL GET BETTER i promise you that     \

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ok this goes to all people the things above was mainly for young adults but the next thing is for all the people reading  this ok if you know of anyone getting bullied for this reason please help that person out that is the best thing you can do for them and well that's all for know thanks very much and yes this is a big topic in the world right now if you want to look more into it look up "it will get better" any video especially the two i have linked to this blog will help you better understand the things going on 
thanks with much love
Sincerely Miguel Barajas

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