Wednesday, October 6, 2010


ok my first one was about my views on same sex marriage, today its going to be about abortion. ok fyi if any thing i say on this post affendes anyone im sorry but thats why i labeled it "please dont get affeded".

ok my views on ABORTION. first of all i think abortions are really stupid to even be an option for a parent to do to there child. i think ABORTIONS are bad because that is killing an innocent soul just because the parent doesnt want the kid or cant afford to pay for the kid or the kid was the effect because  of rape. ok sorry to all the rape victims but if you dont want to have the baby you dont have to kill it ok thats why there is something called ADOPTION people ok and that goes out to all people for abortion not just rape victims and another thing when you have an abortion your killing the baby before it even sees the light of day and taking away its rights to live and to me its kinnda stupid . anyone who aborts to me -->dont get affended<-- is selfish in my eyes because yeah you cant afford to have a kid or it was an accident or any other reason they give ok you can always put it up for adoption you dont have to go off and kill the poor little thing.

well thats all for now about this subject and if i affended anyone i am highly suggesting u dnt read this blog of mine because all the thing i put on this one is going to talk subjects like that

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