Friday, October 8, 2010

animal abuse -.-


OKAY I am going to start this of with some statistics on animal abuse.
okay first of all  there is different types of animal abuse ok they are Hoarding, Throwing, Beating, Poisoning, Burning (with either caustic substances or fire), Kicking, Drowning, Hanging, Unlawful trapping, Bestiality, Mutilation, and Shooting.
Ok for time purposes i am only going to talk about some of the types of abuse i might cover all of them, first its hoarding.


 okay what hoarding is basically when a person has to many animals in a confined area that endangers not only the animals lives but the humans as well. Animals that are usually in a hoarding situation usually gets abused by lack of food and little to no vet care. in extreme hoarding cases you can find dead animals and bugs everywhere.


Ok the title just gives this one away it is just when the human gets mad at the animal or for some reason just wants to beat their animal. A lot of the animals who are usually abused this way are circus animals. You say no  because when i go to the circus i see them happy, sorry to ruin the fun but you must not pay attention to them because if you would you might would notice the tight collars on them, and when they whip them yes that hurts them. and usually when the animal gets to old or just cant move anymore because of the abuse the owner just kills the animal :(  thats all for this subject


okay animal poisoning is the same as the subject before it speaks for itself all this is , is basically when they give an animal either to much of a certain type of drug or the animal might be old so they give it poison to kill it.

ok for this one i have nothing all it is just people burning animals either just to kill them or to get rid of the dead animal bodys

ok this is when a human or humans "rape" an animal :( that's all i have to say


ok this is were i speak against it yes i already talked about them but i didn't give my opinion. and this is were i am going to. just to put it out there i am against all animal cruelty and i think anyone convicted of it should be put through the same thing. ok yes all the subjects are really wrong but there is one i didnt even knew exsisted and that is Bestiality and what i read about it is really bad to hear. I never knew that people are that sick and would do anything like that to any animal ok rapeing a human is wrong but rapeing an animal is way worse. well thats all for this one thanks for reading this :) any questions just ask. here is a website you can go to
thanks :)
sincerly, miguel barajas

1 comment:

Baby_James said...

I really like this one, super informative and shows how sick and twisted people can be.